Born in the quiet village of Shambala, Kalki Hari, son of Vishnuyath and Sumati, has no idea abou...
Mahayoddha Kalki: Sword of Shiva is an epic fantasy novel by Kevin Missal that takes readers on a...
After a defeat at the hands of Lord Kali, Kalki Hari must journey towards the Mahendragiri mounta...
Where is Adri?' 'Hiding, somewhere in the darkness.' 'I am Darkness!' Come forth, come hither....
The Horseman had come to your apartment?' Adri nodded. 'What did it want?' 'My goddamn soul.' ...
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery is a timeless coming-of-age story that has captivated rea...
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. This sweeping masterpi...
Immerse yourself in Leo Tolstoy's epic masterpiece, War and Peace. Set against the backdrop of th...
War and Peace is a literary masterpiece by Leo Tolstoy that explores the lives of several aristoc...