In Chaar Adhyaay, through the female character named Ella, the resolution of national service and...
This enthralling novel by Rabindranath Tagore explores complex relationships, love, and desire in...
While Raghupati, the priest of the Bhuvaneshwari Devi temple, believes that in order to please th...
When Gora had no name, caste, and religion, the circumstances gave him the name - Goramohan, cast...
Yogayog revolves around the Ghoshals and the Chatterjees, who are neighbours and sworn competitor...
Discover the profound poetry of Rabindranath Tagore's Gitanjali with this pocket classic edition....
It is 326 BC and Alexander, the barbarian king of Macedonia, has descended upon Bharatvarsha with...
This book is a story of a young girl born in pre-Partition India, who was forced to flee her home...
Ram Prasad Bismil was a revolutionary freedom fighter. With immense love for his country and coun...