Experience the captivating drama of The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare with this pocke...
Experience the delightful comedy of William Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" in this convenient Pock...
Experience the heart-wrenching tragedy of Othello with this pocket-sized edition. Shakespeare's p...
Carry the intensity of Shakespeare's tragic masterpiece, Macbeth, in your pocket with this portab...
Experience the immortal tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare with this pocket classic ...
A Midsummer Night's Dream (Pocket Classic) by William Shakespeare is a whimsical and enchanting c...
Indulge in the immortal romance of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare with this pocket class...
Experience the power of Shakespeare's iconic tragedy, Hamlet, in this compact and portable Pocket...
100 Selected Poems is a beautifully bound collection of William Wordsworth's most beloved poetry....