Welcome to Fingerprint Publishing's vibrant world of literature! We are thrilled to introduce our latest additions to the literary landscape. Our new releases span a diverse range of genres, from gripping thrillers to heartwarming romances, thought-provoking non-fiction to enchanting fiction. Stay tuned for more exciting releases in the pipeline, as we continue our mission to bring outstanding literature to your bookshelf.

A Brief Hour of Beauty

Kochi, 1983. A month short of his seventh birthday, Edmund Thomas Clint dies. The only son of M...


Natasha Mehra Must Die: The Doomsday Trilogy Book 1

A 14-year-old girl is butchered in a high school shooting. A 72-year-old woman is throttled at ho...


The Blue Fairy Book

The Blue Fairy Book encapsulates the enchanting world of fairy tales, composed of stories that ha...


Despite Stolen Dreams

Deep within the Kashmir Valley, a group of terrorists are left stumped as a man they were holding...


Ghosts of The Silent Hills: Stories based on true hauntings

THE DEAD DO NOT REST TILL THEY GET WHAT THEY WANT. You have arrived in the hills. In here, you ar...


Tears of Jhelum

Kashmir has seen long years of strife and turmoil and Wali Mohammad Khan has been a silent witnes...


Nights In Pink Satin

What happens when a heartbroken newly-wed girl writes an erotic, sexually charged story based on ...


Twice Upon A Time

Is a man's past set in stone, or can it be changed? Rewritten and reshaped? Is time a reality, o...


Black Beauty

A timeless and heartwarming story by Anna Sewell, this poignant novel takes readers on a heartfel...